Tuesday, July 20, 2010

JK flip flop

          In digital circuits, a flip-flop  is a term referring to an electronic circuit (a bistable multivibrator) that has two stable states and thereby is capable of serving as one bit of memory. Today, the term flip-flop  has come to mostly denote non-transparent (clocked or edge-triggered) devices, while the simpler transparent ones are often referred to as latches; however, as this distinction is quite new, the two words are sometimes used interchangeably .

A flip-flop is usually controlled by one or two control signals and/or a gate or clock signal. The output often includes the complement as well as the normal output.

The JK flip-flop (Jump-Key flip-flop) augments the behaviour of the SR flip-flop (J=Set, K=Reset) by interpreting the S = R = 1 condition as a "flip" or toggle command. Specifically, the combination J = 1, K = 0 is a command to set the flip-flop; the combination J = 0, K = 1 is a command to reset the flip-flop; and the combination J = K = 1 is a command to toggle the flip-flop, i.e., change its output to the logical complement of its current value. Setting J = K = 0 does NOT result in a D flip-flop, but rather, will hold the current state. To synthesize a D flip-flop, simply set K equal to the complement of J. The JK flip-flop is therefore a universal flip-flop, because it can be configured to work as an SR flip-flop, a D flip-flop, or a T flip-flop.

NOTE: The flip-flop is positive-edge triggered (rising clock pulse) as seen in the timing diagram.
A circuit symbol for a Positive edge triggered JK flip-flop, where > is the clock input, J and K are data inputs, Q is the stored data output, and Q' is the inverse of Q.

The characteristic equation of the JK flip-flop is: Qnext = JQ+KQ (-- indicates bar)

And the corresponding truth table is:


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