and it is focused on
-->opening of petals,
-->controlling solar panels,-->controlling Rover
-->controlling camera,
-->and receiving video signal from rover to computer.
Actual Rover:-

The Mars Exploration Rovers, launched toward Mars on June 10 and July 7, 2003.A Mars rover is an automated motor vehicle which propels itself across the surface of the planet Mars after landing...but my mars rover is controlled by computer... mainly "MER" project is 2 know abt weather conditions and to take some pictures on mars planet.

Rajkumar--> “This prototype model consists of spycam 1.3MP,solar panels of each 1.5V/150mA , micro servomotors for controlling camera arm and controlling solar pannels, RX-TX 433 module, encoders(HT12E), decoders(HT12D), motor driver IC(L233d).”
Complete Video of the Project (working):
Project by, (EEE), SREC.
contact : 9959025437
Parabéns pelo seu projeto, muito legal! Comecei fazendo um desses também, com a mesma finalidade, a de exploração mas não terminei ainda. Ficou ótimo o seu explorador.
above comment translated
"Congratulations on your project, very cool! I started doing some of that too, for the same purpose, the operation but not finished yet. It was his great explorer."
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